Creative Christmas: Time for Food!

I (and many other talented bloggers) have been challenged to write a series of blogs on gaming, Christmas and New Year by the wonderful Kim over at Later Levels. I have been absent for the last few as I have been away spending Christmas with my Mum and good family friends. I hope everyone else has had a Christmas as amazing and loving as I had. But back to today’s question:

Today’s Question:  It’s now time to head out to the kitchen to put on your oven gloves and start preparing Christmas dinner. It consists solely of video game food; what’s on the menu?


I have been reading high fantasy almost my whole life, and although Christmas in Australia is pretty warm, I can’t think of a better Christmas meal than the typical high fantasy feast: mead, potatoes, fresh bread and roast meat. And no one does the high fantasy feast better than Skyrim.

I’m a big fan of spending Christmas at home or at a friend’s house rather than at the local tavern, so on this day, I would choose to abandon The Bannered Mare and share the meal with my family and trusted friends at Heljarchen Hall in the Pale. Not only does it have an amazing view of Whiterun, it has all the modern-day feasting equipment necessary for the perfect Christmas feast.

We would enjoy freshly roasted beef from the spit, freshly baked vegetables and bread made from wheat milled at our own grain mill. Platters would overflow with cheese, roast rabbit, and grilled leeks. And for dessert, nothing beats snowberry crostata and sweet rolls fresh from the oven. Naturally all this would have to be washed down with Honningbrew mead and an obligatory couple of bottles of Nord mead, during which our bard would have to be quiet while we sang the traditional Skyrim drinking song.

The whole thing couldn’t be more different from the type Christmas I celebrate every year, but it’d be so much fun! Maybe that’s something I could consider doing Christmas in July for this coming year…


If you’d like to see my answer to the always infamous mistletoe question, take a look here.

If you’d like to check out everyone else’s answers, take a gander over here.

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Morgan is a freelance journalist, filmmaker and writer. She has worked for The Gamers Lounge, Taste of Cinema and Enemies of Reality Media as well as running her own site, Fistful of Glitter. When she's not writing you can find her controller in hand and her trusty Grey Warden cat Alistair by her side, exploring Tamriel, Ferelden and the Northern Kingdoms.

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